Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Jam Digital Dengan Arduino ATMEGA8

Untuk anda yang ingin membuat sebuah jam digital canggih lengkap dengan jam, menit, dan detik, disini Dewata Elektronik akan membagikan salah satu proyek arduino yang sangat berguna dan cocok digunakan untuk tugas akhir sekolah maupun skripsi elektronika bagi yang sudah kuliah.
Jam digital kali ini berbasiskan arduino yang menggunakan IC ATMEGA8 yang kami beri nama ERULDUINO. Jam digital ini sudah dilengkapi dengan sebuah IC RTC, yaitu sebuah IC yang dapat menyimpan data waktu maupun tanggal walaupun power supply untuk jam itu sendiri mati.
Agar jam digital ERULDUINO ini dapat terus meng-counter waktu pada saat listrik padam, maka diperlukan nya sebuah battery backup untuk tenaga cadangan bagi IC RTC hingga berbulan bulan lamanya tanpa ada arus listrik ke rangkaian jam digital.
Jam digital ERULDUINO ini bisa menggunakan display seven segmen common anoda maupun common catoda tergantung dari pemasangan transistor driver terhadap seven segmen.
Berikut ini adalah source code dari jam digital ERULDUINO ATMEGA8 yang menggunakan IC RTC DS1307.

kode program jam digital
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <DS1307.h>
#include <Debounce.h>
boolean  pinstate = true;

byte num_array[11]={//This array has all of the number codes
int rtc[7];//this array is for the data from the RTC
/*Some output definitions*/
int dots_1 = 8;
int dots_2 = 9;
int reset_pin = 10;
int clock_pin = 11;
int date = 14;
int up = 15;
int down = 16;
int set = 17;
int dummy[7];
int display_time[6];
int display_date[6];
int position = 0;
int blink_dots = 0;
/*For buttom debouncing*/
Debounce DATE = Debounce(20,date);
Debounce SET = Debounce (20,set);
Debounce UP = Debounce(20,up);
Debounce DOWN = Debounce(20,down);

void setup(){
  /*Setting outputs*/
  digitalWrite(reset_pin,HIGH);//reseting the 4017 counter
  digitalWrite(dots_1,HIGH);//turning on the dots

void loop(){
  RTC.get(rtc,true);//get the data form the RTC IC
  for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
    dummy[x] = rtc[x];//store it in the dummy array for modification
  dummy[6]=dummy[6]-2000;//Changing to year so that it will be displayed in 2 digits
  display_time[0] = dummy[2]/10;//Getting the hours (LOW number)
  display_time[1] = dummy[2] - (display_time[0] * 10) ;//Getting the hours (HIGH number)
  display_time[2] = dummy[1]/10;//Getting the minutes (LOW number)
  display_time[3] = dummy[1] - (display_time[2] * 10) ;//Getting the minutes (HIGH number)
  display_time[4] = dummy[0]/10;//Getting the seconds (LOW number)
  display_time[5] = dummy[0] - (display_time[4] * 10) ;//Getting the seconds (HIGH number)
  if(blink_dots != display_time[5]){//blink the dots every second
   pinstate = !pinstate;// toggle the dots state
   blink_dots = display_time[5] ;//update the seconds
  for(int y = 0; y < 6; y++){//The main display loop(goes over the 6 digits
    DATE.update();//read the DATE button           
    SET.update();//read the SET button
    if( == HIGH)//If set is pressed go to the setting time mode
    if( == HIGH)//If data is pressed show the data
    if(position == 6){//If the counter gets to the sixth output reset it
      digitalWrite(reset_pin,HIGH);//utputing a reset signal to the 4017 counter
      position = 0;//staring the count over
    PORTD = num_array[display_time[y]];//outout the digit to be displayed
    delayMicroseconds(800);//wait so that the human eye can see the lights
    PORTD = 0;//turn off the display to make sure we don't have a ghosting effect
    digitalWrite(clock_pin,HIGH);//give a pulse to the clock pin of the 4017
    position++;//increment the position

void show_date(){//this function show the date if the DATA button was pressed
  int position_3 = 0;
  /*Turn off the upper dots so that the user will know he is in the date mode*/
  RTC.get(rtc,true);//get the current time data, same as in the main loop
  for(int a = 0; a < 7; a++)
    dummy[a] = rtc[a];
  display_date[0] = dummy[4]/10;//lower day
  display_date[1] = dummy[4] - (display_date[0] * 10) ;//upper day
  display_date[2] = dummy[5]/10;//lower month
  display_date[3] = dummy[5] - (display_date[2] * 10) ;//upper month
  display_date[4] = dummy[6]/10;//uuper year
  display_date[5] = dummy[6] - (display_date[4] * 10) ;//lower year

  for(int DELAY = 0; DELAY < 400; DELAY++){//This loop , loops over the same data to get a delay
    for(int y = 0; y < 6; y++){//This loops is the same as the in the main loop
      if(position_3 == 6){
        position_3 = 0;
      PORTD = num_array[display_date[y]];
      PORTD = 0;

void set_time(){//This function is for setting the time and date
  int set_array[6];
  int tag=0;
  byte pinmode = LOW;
  int time_mode = 0;
  delay(500);//A small delay so the user wouldn't exit the function if he still presses the button
  digitalWrite(dots_1,HIGH);//turn on both of the dots
  RTC.get(rtc,true);//get the RTC data
  for(int g = 0; g < 7; g++)
    dummy[g] = rtc[g];//put it in to a dummy array
  dummy[6]=dummy[6]-2000;//get the year in 2 numbers and not 4

  while(pinmode == LOW){//while the set button wasn't pressed again stay in this loop
    DATE.update();//read the DATE button
    if( == HIGH){
      time_mode++;//If it was pressed go over the modes (seconds,mins,hours etc..)
      delay(250);//a small delay so you wouldn't go over all of the modes
    switch (time_mode){//goes to the right setting
    case 0://This is for the hours
      digitalWrite(dots_2,HIGH);//makes sure the upper dots are on so that the user will know he is in the time mode and not the data
      UP.update();//read the buttons
      if( == HIGH){
        dummy[2]++;//increment the time if the up button was pressed
      if( == HIGH){
        dummy[2]--;//decrement the time if the down button was pressed
      if(dummy[2] == -1)//makes sure you stay in the 24 hours range
       dummy[2] = 23;
      if(dummy[2] == 24)
       dummy[2] = 0;
      set_array[0] = dummy[2]/10;//update the display
      set_array[1] = dummy[2] - (set_array[0] * 10) ;
      set_array[2] = 10;//turn off the other digits
      set_array[3] = 10;
      set_array[4] = 10;
      set_array[5] = 10;
      time_set_display(set_array);//displays the time on the dispay
    case 1: // same as case 0 but for the minuts
      if( == HIGH){
      if( == HIGH){
      if(dummy[1] == -1)
       dummy[1] = 59;
      if(dummy[1] == 60)
       dummy[1] = 0;
      set_array[0] = 10;
      set_array[1] = 10;
      set_array[2] = dummy[1]/10;
      set_array[3] = dummy[1] - (set_array[2] * 10);
      set_array[4] = 10;
      set_array[5] = 10;
    case 2://this is for the day of the month
      digitalWrite(dots_2,LOW);//turn off the upper dots so that the user will know he is the date setting mode
      if( == HIGH){
      if( == HIGH){
      if(dummy[4] == -1)
       dummy[4] = 32;
      if(dummy[4] == 33)
       dummy[4] = 0;
      set_array[0] = dummy[4]/10;
      set_array[1] = dummy[4] - (set_array[0] * 10);
      set_array[2] = 10;
      set_array[3] = 10;
      set_array[4] = 10;
      set_array[5] = 10;
    case 3://months here
      if( == HIGH){
      if( == HIGH){
      if(dummy[5] == -1)
       dummy[5] = 12;
      if(dummy[5] == 13)
       dummy[5] = 0;
      set_array[0] = 10;
      set_array[1] = 10;
      set_array[2] = dummy[5]/10;
      set_array[3] = dummy[5] - (set_array[2] * 10);
      set_array[4] = 10;
      set_array[5] = 10;
    case 4://years here
      if( == HIGH){
      if( == HIGH){
      if(dummy[6] == -1)
       dummy[6] = 99;
      if(dummy[6] == 100)
       dummy[6] = 0;
      set_array[0] = 10;
      set_array[1] = 10;
      set_array[2] = 10;
      set_array[3] = 10;
      set_array[4] = dummy[6]/10;
      set_array[5] = dummy[6] - (set_array[4] * 10);
    case 5:
      time_mode = 0;//loop the modes over
    SET.update();//update the SET button
    pinmode =;If it was pressed you will exit the while loop
  //This is the function to update the RTC

void time_set_display(int data_array[]){//This fnction just displays 2 digits and it's pretty much the same as the display loop in the main function
  int position_2 = 0;
  for(int xlk=0;xlk<25;xlk++){//a delay loop
  for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++){
    if(position_2 == 6){
      position_2 = 0;
    PORTD = num_array[data_array[j]];
    PORTD = 0;