Rabu, 23 April 2008

Compiler M-IDE Studio For MCS51/52 Microcontroller

WIN32 Platform: Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP

Download MIDE51.EXE
.ZIP file format size: 620KB.

Self-Executable file setup. Packed with ASEM-51 V1.3 MCU file Jul 17, 2005,
SDCC 2.6.1 (snapshot and document 060914)
Simulator : TS Control Emulator 8051 v1.0 (evaluation 2KB simulator limited)
and another simulator: JSIM-51 v4.05
download packed file size: 4,772 KB.

Feature on MIDE-51

  • Syntax highlighter on ASEM-51 reserved word & addition register on selected device (devices listed on ASEM51/MCU folder)

  • Syntax highlighter on SDCC reserved word & MCS-51 standard register

  • Support multi document workspace

  • Support standard editor feature and shortcut key such as Cut , Copy, Paste, Find, Replace and Windows tile & cascade

  • Editor font style and size selectable

  • Save recent file(s) opened in list

  • Shortcut to ASEM-51 html manual

  • Shortcut to SDCC html & PDF manual (search file on SDCC/DOC)

  • Report assembler & compiler message

  • Support drag and drop file from explorer.

  • Automatic save last windows position.

  • Support wheel mouse

  • Bookmark code position up to 10

  • Show/Hide line number on editor

  • Kepingin edit, compiled , dan debug file untuk bahasa Assembly Mikrokontroller coba aplikasi ini. Gambar di atas adalah dimana kita ingin mengkompile ASM ke HEX untuk diwrite (diisikan) ke mikrokontroller. Sudah dicoba untuk assembly ke AT89S51/52.
    Bisa juga untuk C-compiler.

    Reference :
    - Opcube.com

    - ASEM-51 by W.W.Heinz

    - SDCC : Small Device C Compiler

    - freebyte.com